Mission and Community Service
Truly I tell you, just as you did it for the least of these
who are members of my family, you did it to me. Matthew 25:40
who are members of my family, you did it to me. Matthew 25:40
Westminster, which was founded by abolitionists in 1835, has a rich history of mission and community service. This is an important part of who we are and at the heart of our call to follow Christ.
Mission and Community Service are inextricably intertwined in the Christian life. Our calling as followers of Christ is to share the Gospel through both word and deed, loving our neighbors after the example of Jesus.
Every person called by Christ is called to mission and service. It is our hope that together all of us will find and engage the particular ideas, passions, and causes God has placed on each of our hearts, joining with one another to multiply our efforts and encourage each other.
The church is a people told to go, to meet and know our neighbors and care for them, across the whole world that surrounds us, from the local community to the furthest reaches of the earth. It is our hope that we will engage, learn, and listen, that we might continually grow in our understanding of the cares and needs of persons both nearby and far away, and meet them in love, humility, and service.
Every person called by Christ is called to mission and service. It is our hope that together all of us will find and engage the particular ideas, passions, and causes God has placed on each of our hearts, joining with one another to multiply our efforts and encourage each other.
The church is a people told to go, to meet and know our neighbors and care for them, across the whole world that surrounds us, from the local community to the furthest reaches of the earth. It is our hope that we will engage, learn, and listen, that we might continually grow in our understanding of the cares and needs of persons both nearby and far away, and meet them in love, humility, and service.

2024 Mission Booklet
The newest version of our annually updated Mission and Community Service pamphlet was presented on Mission Sunday, February 2 and is available in printed and electronic form and by using the link below. This booklet lists all of Westminster’s current mission and community service endeavors, organized by category, with descriptions and ways to get involved along with members of the committees.
The total Mission Giving for 2024 is $392,280. This giving is divided among the Operating Fund, Special Offerings, Presbyterian Women, and the Support and Endowment Mission Funds.
Click here to read the 2024 Mission Booklet in PDF format.
The newest version of our annually updated Mission and Community Service pamphlet was presented on Mission Sunday, February 2 and is available in printed and electronic form and by using the link below. This booklet lists all of Westminster’s current mission and community service endeavors, organized by category, with descriptions and ways to get involved along with members of the committees.
The total Mission Giving for 2024 is $392,280. This giving is divided among the Operating Fund, Special Offerings, Presbyterian Women, and the Support and Endowment Mission Funds.
Click here to read the 2024 Mission Booklet in PDF format.

Westminster's Little Pantry
Our Little Pantry is located on Cook Street on the south side of Graham Elementary (near the main entrance of the school). Click Here to Sign up to stock WPC's Little Pantry
Our Little Pantry is located on Cook Street on the south side of Graham Elementary (near the main entrance of the school). Click Here to Sign up to stock WPC's Little Pantry

Helping Hands Meals
Every second Friday of the month, Westminster members prepare bagged lunches to feed 70 hungry men at Helping Hands Shelter at 2200 Shale Street. Every fourth Wednesday, members work in teams to prepare hot meals for 70. Both meals are delivered to the Helping Hands facility. We need ministry partners to prepare meals in 2025. Please contact Pat Hymans or Krista Steller for details.
Every second Friday of the month, Westminster members prepare bagged lunches to feed 70 hungry men at Helping Hands Shelter at 2200 Shale Street. Every fourth Wednesday, members work in teams to prepare hot meals for 70. Both meals are delivered to the Helping Hands facility. We need ministry partners to prepare meals in 2025. Please contact Pat Hymans or Krista Steller for details.

Central IL Foodbank Give-a-Meal-A-Month
Each month donations for meals are collected for CIFB. The monthly menu suggestions can be found in the Reporter, the bulletin, and on the weekly email. The baskets are located in Parish Hall.
Each month donations for meals are collected for CIFB. The monthly menu suggestions can be found in the Reporter, the bulletin, and on the weekly email. The baskets are located in Parish Hall.
Click on the links below to explore additional mission ministries of Westminster.
Church Mission
Development, Relief, & Peacemaking
Earth Care
General Aid & Assistance
Habitat Build 2023
Homelessness & Housing
International Mission Trip in 2020 Kenya
Neighborhood & Community
Refugee Ministry
Steadfast Neighbor Outreach
Development, Relief, & Peacemaking
Earth Care
General Aid & Assistance
Habitat Build 2023
Homelessness & Housing
International Mission Trip in 2020 Kenya
Neighborhood & Community
Refugee Ministry
Steadfast Neighbor Outreach
Come, and be a part of this church's mission to the world! Click this link to access a Mission Project application.