Westminster Presbyterian Church
Let the doors of this church be a way to service.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Service Documents
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Sunday, October 13, 2024 You are welcome to join us for worship this Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m. The sermon is titled "A Time to Lament" and is based on Job 23:1-9, 16-47 and Mark 10:17-31. It will be presented by The Rev. Dr. Blythe D. Kieffer. Music will be provided by the Westminster Choir and Dale Rogers, Organist. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
PDA is at work in the states affected by the devastation of Hurricane Helene and the approaching Milton. If you would like to give towards PDA’s response, donate by check designating for PDA or click Give Now on our website Giving Page. You may also scan this QR code with your phone to go to the webpage. Spud Bake Youth Fundraiser
The Annual Spud Bake is Sunday, October 13. Youth gather in the kitchen from 9:00 a.m. to Noon to prepare loaded baked potatoes to raise funds for the Contact Ministries Christmas Gift Distribution. Members are invited to buy a Spud for $5.00 and help our youth share God’s love! Spuds can be pre-orders by clicking here, pick up your spud following worship, bring it home or enjoy it in Parish Hall Minimum donation $5.00 per potato. Good News From APNC
The applicant WPC welcomed to Springfield August 22 - 24 has accepted our invitation to candidate for the position of Associate Pastor for Family Ministry on Sunday, October 20. She will preach the sermon and following an affirmative vote by the congregation at a called meeting, she will begin Sunday, December 1, 2024. As a part of the Presbyterian Polity and in order to maintain confidentiality as she begins the transition from the congregation she is currently serving to Westminster, professional and personal information will not be shared until October 20. During their three-year search, the APNC reviewed 121 candidates, initiated contact with 40, interviewed 14 on Zoom and welcomed three at Westminster. The committee chaired by Krista Steller, with members Dr. Craig Batterman, Meleah Berkowitz, Emily Brower (through summer of 2023) Meridith Bryans, Kristianna Eastvold (since summer of 2023), Adam Ekstedt, Tom Owen, believe they have found the most qualified candidate who will bring wisdom, experience, authenticity and warmth to our congregation. She received accolades from the youth and staff with whom she met during her visit and the decision was unanimous. We look forward to introducing her and are filled with joy and gratitude for God’s faithfulness on this journey together. Hunger Ministries at Westminster
Click here for information on our Hunger Ministries. Click Here to sign-up on for the Little Pantry, Helping Hands, and for Give-a-Meal-a-Month for Central IL Foodbank. Westminster's Mission Statement
With each new day, we reaffirm our common purpose to join in the worshipful praise of God, to teach children, to lead and inspire the young, and to call everyone to life-long learning in the church, to be influential participants in society by being accountable to the Gospel, to show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ toward each other, and toward those who are hurting, to be a caring community welcoming both friends and strangers to own our Presbyterian heritage, reformed and always reforming, to be prayerfully open to the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Let the doors of this church be a way to service! |
Mission & Community Service 2023 Booklet
The total Mission Giving for 2023 is $276,263. This giving is divided among the Operating Fund, Special Offerings, Presbyterian Women, and the Support and Endowment Mission Funds. Click here to read the Mission Booklet in PDF format. |
Westminster Presbyterian Church is an Earth Care Congregation of the PC (U.S.A.). Click here to read the latest Earth Care tip.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is a Matthew 25 Congregation of the PC (U.S.A.).
Westminster Presbyterian Church is an Hunger Action Congregation of the PC (U.S.A.). Click here to read about how Westminster helps to fight hunger.