Kenya Mission Trip

Westminster Presbyterian Church
Kenya Mission Trip
January 14-30, 2020
Kenya Mission Trip
January 14-30, 2020

Kenya Mission Trip Report
A Westminster mission team traveled to Kenya in January 2020, assisting in church and classroom construction and developing cross-cultural ministry connections, as well as building international mission experience within the Westminster church family. Mission grants of over $20,000 and additional congregational contributions of over $31,000 funded the project, which was coordinated through the Outreach Foundation.
On Sunday, February 9, 2020 during the 10:00 a.m. worship service, the Kenya Mission Team lead the 10:00 worship and tell the story of their life changing adventure through words, music and photos. A reception in was held in parish hall following the 10:00 A.M. worship service as the team continued to tell their story.
During their time in Kenya, the team completed the building of the PCEA (Presbyterian Church of East Afica) Gathiriga Church. This is the tenth church built in the Iria-Ini Presbytery about four hours from Nairobi. It was celebrated at a three and a half hour worship service with 300 in attendance.
A Westminster mission team traveled to Kenya in January 2020, assisting in church and classroom construction and developing cross-cultural ministry connections, as well as building international mission experience within the Westminster church family. Mission grants of over $20,000 and additional congregational contributions of over $31,000 funded the project, which was coordinated through the Outreach Foundation.
On Sunday, February 9, 2020 during the 10:00 a.m. worship service, the Kenya Mission Team lead the 10:00 worship and tell the story of their life changing adventure through words, music and photos. A reception in was held in parish hall following the 10:00 A.M. worship service as the team continued to tell their story.
During their time in Kenya, the team completed the building of the PCEA (Presbyterian Church of East Afica) Gathiriga Church. This is the tenth church built in the Iria-Ini Presbytery about four hours from Nairobi. It was celebrated at a three and a half hour worship service with 300 in attendance.

The second building campaign was the completion of 2 classrooms at the Canaan School. This was at a different location and because the floorplan was so similar to the church, the team was able to complete it at a faster pace and interact with the children. The school serves 150 students with eleven teachers who presented the team with gifts following a short dedication of the classrooms.
Additionally, the team visited the Rescue Center & Karai Orphanage (where they presented the soccer balls) and a Retirement Home (where they presented the reading glasses). Their adventure culminated at Maasai Mara with a Safari.
Come, hear their story on Sunday, February 9 and view additional photos by clicking here.
Additionally, the team visited the Rescue Center & Karai Orphanage (where they presented the soccer balls) and a Retirement Home (where they presented the reading glasses). Their adventure culminated at Maasai Mara with a Safari.
Come, hear their story on Sunday, February 9 and view additional photos by clicking here.
Kenya Mission Trip
January 14-30 |
Kenya Mission Trip
January 14-24 |
Kenya Mission Trip
January 25-27 Visits, Church Service & Tours |
Maasai Mara Safari
Tara Fritsch greeting a giraffe.
We are grateful to the Kenya Mission team led by Rev. Christian Choi. Team members include Dr. Jane Arbuthnot, Jen and Dr. Marc DeJong, Tara Fritsch, Bob Fox, Harold Hale, Mary and Charlie King, Drs. Todd and Judy Knox, Kevin Milward and Mary Ray.
In preparation for faithful cross-cultural ministry and because mission begins at home, in December the team participated in a local community service cleaning the public areas of the Brighter Tomorrow Sober Living House in December. This is Westminster’s first full-scale international mission trip as we partner with the Outreach Foundation to fund, construct, and dedicate a church and classrooms for the Presbyterian Church of Kenya. $15,000 from WPC’s Mission and Benevolence Endowment Fund is making this possible along with the dedication and generosity of the team members. Special thanks to the anonymous member who donated $10,000 in scholarship funds and to all who contributed the gifts the team will bring such as Bibles, banners, a communion set, school supplies, soccer balls, and reading glasses. Additionally, pocket crosses cut from Westminster pews by Bob Fox will be presented to our Kenya friends. |
Kenya Mission Travel Journal
- Tuesday, January 14 - Travel day
- Wednesday, January 15 - End of travel
- Thursday, January 16 - Day in Kenya - tours
- Friday, January 17 - Church workday 1
Christian's email report for this day: Today, we have met our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Kenya. Their hospitality and warmth reminded me of the people of Westminster! With bright smiles and open hearts, we were invited into their church.
On the first day, we have worked alongside the Kenyan church members who has already finished the frames and foundation of the church. By the end of the day, majority of the metalsheet sidewalls were adhered to the skeletal frame and made huge progress in painting the building.
We are confident that we will be able to finish the church tomorrow, with banners and cross that will be mounted in the sanctuary. - Saturday, January 18 - Church workday 2
Christian's email report for this day: Today was an awesome day as we wrapped up our work at the church worksite.
We met with the congregation members and worked alongside them to finish the church for the dedication service tomorrow.
Overall, Westminster Kenya mission team was responsible for painting the interior side walls, painting the window frames & doors, and put up the metal sheet sidewalls of the church. We are proud to paint the door with ‘Presbyterian blue’.
We finished today by hanging the cross in the sanctuary along with the two banners Westminster have gifted to the church.
We look forward to the dedication service tomorrow. It will be a celebration of God’s grace!
During the evening devotions, it was clear that our greatest building we achieved is not the completion of the worship space (not to dismiss the importance of its work), but building of relationship: with one another among the Kenya mission team and with Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our focus of devotions was Imago Dei: Image of God. Along with the Ephesians passage in the devotions, we celebrated Galatians 5:22-23 – the fruit of the Spirit. Pray for us, as we dedicate the church tomorrow and that we may yield the fruit of Spirit to the people who will be worshiping and present with us tomorrow. - Sunday, January 19 - Church dedication
Christian's email report for this day: We have successfully concluded our dedication of the Gathiriga Church. There were 300+ people (adults and children) at the church's dedication, and only about 250 were inside. Others had to look through a window.
This church is located in a small village called Mirangine, outside of nearest city of Nakuru. Worship service was 3 and half hours, filled with singing, laughing, and lot of dedication liturgy in Swahili. It was blessing and a joy to be there with them and once again, we thank the Lord and Westminster for this opportunity and new brothers and sisters in Christ. We are currently traveling back to our home base in Nairobi. Please pray for the safe journey back and to prepare for what is to come next. - Monday, January 20 - Comet House Boys Home Day 1
Christian's email report for this day: Today, we spent our day at Comet Boys Home. Comet is a combination of childcare center and early learning center for the community near Stu's compound where we are staying. Its focus is to provide care to the children of single-mom or struggling families, to teach the young children English so that they do not fall behind in education.
Comet boys house is a vision of Annie's mom (Annie is Stu's wife). We have spent time with 3 & 4 year old children today. Our team divided into 2 teams: demolition team and painting team. Demolition team took down couple of walls to make a big dining room for the kids, while painting team painted tables and chairs that the kids will study on.
Kids faces were full of smiles and had a great time playing with the kids until they had to go home. We are spending rest of our day relaxing and preparing for our second build starting tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers and walking this journey with us! - Schedule has changed a bit from our initial itinerary. Today, we will be going to comet boys home (walking distance), to learn about Kenya's education and the need of supporting children and their families. Tomorrow, we will once again be on the road to our second build (Canaan school) about 3.5 hours away, staying off-site for 3 days.
Entire Kenya team slept well last night and are ready for this week. Thank you for prayers and support!- Tuesday, January 21
Christian's email report for this day: Today, we left from Stu's compound near Nairobi and drove 3.5 hours east, near a small town called kithimani. Our school was located about 30 minutes further in from the main road. At the school, there are 128 boys and girls of various grades. They had 4 classrooms built last year, but they have requested 2 more to be built, which we are building. Similar project to the church, our team worked hard to put up the sidewalls and paint door&windows. We were treated to a wonderful lunch at their church (PCEA). Afterwards when we gifted the children with 5 soccer balls, they were beyond thrilled. (Imagine over 100 children chasing after the balls all at once, swarming together)
Tonight, we are staying in a town called Matuu, about an hour away. We will rest up and head back tomorrow morning to finish up our work before we head back home. It is always a joy to visit the children. The expressions are always joy and delight on our hearts. These will be moments that we will treasure in our lives. Thank you for your prayers. As pictures arrive and are updated, please pray for the people of Kenya, who love God with much passion. And thank you for your prayers for us. We ask for strength and good rest, as some of us are fatigued from all the travel.- Wednesday, January 22 - Canaan School Workday
Christian's email report for this day: We have completed our building campaign, as we finished the construction of 2 classrooms at Canaan School.
Due to the similar floorplan as the church we built earlier, we were able to complete it at a faster pace, which allowed us to interact with the children.
After our completion in the morning, we had the following take place:- Rev. James came to the school, to pray for and give a short meditation based on Psalm 34:10
- Children of the school made presentation for us and their parents
- Exchange of gifts – WPC women received handbags, men received an art piece; we presented Canaan church with school supplies
Then after lunch and farewells with over 150 students (according to their principal, and that number is growing – Kenya’s schools start in January), their parents, and 11 teachers who are educating the children.
After 3 hours of travel, we are once again resting at Stu’s compound for the evening, readying for rest of the week:
Thursday: Rescue Center & Karai Orphanage
Friday: Old People’s home
Saturday: visits and tours
Sunday: Church in Karen
Monday-Wednesday: Heading out to Maasai Mara for Safari
Thursday: Prep & Fly home at midnightish
Thank you for all your prayers. We are halfway through and now engaging in learning more about Kenya.
Please pray that we will be able to witness God already at work and being the source of blessing to the people whom we encounter. - Thursday, January 23 - Rescue Center and Karai Orphanage
Christian's email for this day: Today, we visited two places: Rescue center and Karai orphanage. Rescue center is a place dedicated to Masai girls who are either orphans or those who ran away from early marriage. Although it is no longer legal, there are people who continues to practice the culture of marrying away their daughters at an early age (at avg. age of 9). Those girls who have escaped and had a courage to leave that situation now have a safe harbor through the Rescue Center. There were 111 girls present today (1 of whom arrived earlier today) and they are expecting 2 more girls to arrive tomorrow. Rescue Center's mission is to educate and empower girls through learning in a safe place, while sharing their love and reconciling the parents to the girls who have ran away. It was an experience that was etched into our hearts for various reasons, but mainly for the hope in God that we found in the girls who were there in the midst of broken situations.
Karai orphanage was started by group of Germans. Although it was originally only for orphans, since 2007, they saw the need to help the lost boys who were living on the streets. Today, Karai is comprised of 70% from streets and 30% orphans. There are over 200 children who attend school there, of which approximately half of them - from age 4 to grade 8 - board at Karai in their housing/dormitory. Today was an emotional day for all of us but through it, we saw the steadfastness and love of God shinning through.
Tomorrow, we will visit the Old People's Home and then stop by Linda's Library (in memory of Stu's late wife, Linda). Continue to have us in your prayers as we witness the places where God's love are needed in Kenya. - Friday, January 24 - Old People's home
Christian's email report for this day: This morning, we visited the Old People's Home, where 41 residents live. What a joy it was for us to bring the gifts of Westminster, as we brought reading glasses, a Bible, and hygiene kit compromised of toothpaste, toothbrush, bar of soap, and a chapstick. We also shared the gifts with the workers who provided care there.
Although it might not be the same quality of senior community we would find in the US, this facility provided care, live, and hope to the residents that would not have received anything if they weren't there at the facility.
Afterwards, we visited Kanjeru girls High School, where 400 girls were being empowered to make a difference in Kenya. With the guidance of dedicated teachers, they were studying similar to what our high school youth would be studying. They are looking forward to having more classrooms (as they only had 8 classrooms) and making a dormitory for the girls to stay and focus on the studies.
Lastly, we were treated to a wonderful dinner, having a great time to destress, and relax. As we continue our conversations, we ask for your prayers, as we try to discern what God's will is for us. - Saturday, January 25 - visits and tours
Christian's email report for this day: We had our first taste of being a tourist today, as we have completed our physical service/work and now switching to learning and observing what is around us in Kenya.
In the morning, we visited and toured two places: Kazuri Beads factory and Karen Blixen Museum.
First, we toured Kazuri Beads “Kazuri” means ‘small and beautiful’ in Swahili. Kazuri Beads employs single-moms and women from less-privileged families to make hand-crafted bead jewelry. We were given a tour of bead making process from start to finish – how the soil from Mt. Kenya gets made into clay, then rolled by hand to make the beads, then painted and glazed with heating treatment in between each step. With the beads, they craft beautiful earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. There are men who are also employed there, making cups and pottery (handmade as well as using molds). It was refreshing to see that there are businesses to help Kenyans to combat poverty (this factory in particular since 1975).
Afterwards, we visited Karen Blixen’s home, which now is a museum for people to visit.
Karen Blixen is known for her compassion to the local people when she lived in Kenya (1914 – 1931) before she returned home to Denmark. Her book, Out of Africa (an account of her life in Kenya), which later became a move with the same title (and debuted in 1985). We were able to hear her story, look at some of the original furnishings and equipment that were used in her time growing coffee. It was a great way to explore this part of history in Kenya. People say that one of the wealthy communities in Nairobi is named after her (city of Karen), although research to confirm the popular saying is still ongoing.
We are expecting light weekend, as we rest and prepare for worship at Karen Church of PCEA tomorrow where the worship should be about 2 hours. Then we are off to Maasai Mara for safari on Monday. Blessings to our family and friends back home and we wish you happy Saturday! - Sunday, January 26 - church in Karen
Christian's email report for this day: We worshiped at Karen PCEA church.
Although we wanted to experience a regular church, God had other plans.
It was a Choir Worship Sunday, where choir sang special music with a guest vocalist and a guest preacher.
Of course, to accommodate and celebrate such occasion, the worship was extended an hour.
Stu estimates that there were about 250 people worshiping together this morning as a body of Christ; among them there were Kenyans, Americans, and Tanzanians according to their announcement. Overall, we worshiped with them for 3.5 hours, enjoying great hymns of the old, both in English and Swahili. A Pentecostal preacher was invited to be the guest preacher for the service.
Although it was raining in the morning on our way to the church, God’s marvelous light pierced through and by the time we were done, we were enjoying the sun during our lunch.
God is truly great to us and we are so grateful. Tonight, we will be packing for our safari trip. We are planning for 6 am breakfast and 7 am departure from our base camp at Stu’s compound. Please keep us in your prayers for good night’s rest, safe travel, and to witness God’s love through the wonderful creation of God. - Monday January 27 - Maasai Mara for safari
Christian's email report for this day: Mission team have arrived at Masai Mara safely. Thank you for your prayers.
On the way in from the main gate for our safari, we have already seen multitude of animals, including 3 of the "big 5" - Lion, elephant, and cape buffalo. We have 2 left - rhino and leopard, which are hardest of the 5. God has been good to us as we have a beautiful weather, already seen so much in a short amount of time. We will have a late afternoon/evening safari today, and will be glamping for next two days here at fig tree.
As we slow down and take in the beauty of God's creation and of Kenya, some of us cannot believe that we only have few days left and/or we've been here already for over a week. Please pray for our safe journey during our time here, that we will not forget our experience, and that we will take a piece of Kenya - most importantly people's joy and love - back to the States with us. - Tuesday, January 28 - Maasai Mara for safari
- Wednesday, January 29 - prepare and fly home at midnight
Christian's email report for this day: We are getting ready to leave Kenya and start our journey back home. On the way back, saw a rhino... One of 5 confirmed rhinos in the Masai Mara. With our final animal sighting, we have seen 4 of 5 "big 5" and are grateful that we had a chance to look at these majestic animals in their habitat.
We will leave for the airport in couple of hours and have dinner at the airport. We will most likely go and venture into the city of Paris during our 6.5 hour layover. Then we should land in O'Hare at 3:15 pm. Harmony limousine should pick us up around 5 pm. They will keep an eye out for the flight, and will be in communication with me once we land. We plan to be back at WPC sometime around 9-10 pm. It is during rush hour traffic in Chicago, so hopefully we won't be stuck too long. Everyone is in good spirits, had a life-changing experience, and looking forward to being back with family and friends. - Thursday, January 30 - travel time
Members may also view a Facebook page created for the mission trip by searching Facebook for WPC_kenya_mission_trip.

Follow the Mission trip by reading the Daily Devotional prepared for the trip by Rev. Choi. | |
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Our safari, in the Masai Mara, is approximately a 4 hour drive west of where we will be in Karen.