2023 Presbyterian Women Luncheons
First Friday of the month for October, November, March, and April at 12 Noon in Parish Hall - $5.00 per person. There are special events in September, December, February, and May. Reservations preferred by Thursday before the luncheon Call the church office 522-4415 or Click here to make reservations for the next PW Luncheon
Whether you are 18 or 98 there will be opportunities to learn, share and be entertained by the speakers who will present programs and facilitate in discussions about issues that impact our Presbyterian Women.
Even if you can’t stay long, we hope you can make time on your calendar for a bit of fellowship and fun with
Presbyterian Women from all the groups.
Whether you are 18 or 98 there will be opportunities to learn, share and be entertained by the speakers who will present programs and facilitate in discussions about issues that impact our Presbyterian Women.
Even if you can’t stay long, we hope you can make time on your calendar for a bit of fellowship and fun with
Presbyterian Women from all the groups.
January, 2023
No January meeting
Saturday, February 4, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Pat Hymans
Chair of the Day: Pat Hildebrand-Culler
Program: Wooden it Be Lovely
Speaker: Rev. Margaret Ann Jessup
March 3, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Ann Collins
Chair of the Day: Nancy Scott
Program: Elizabeth Circle Mission Work
April 3, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Carolyn Beatty
Chair of the Day: Carolyn Beatty
Program: Great Rivers Presbytery
Saturday, May 20 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Garden Party, Birthday Celebration & Offering
Committee: Ruth & Naomi Circle
Location: Home of Lynda Preckwinkle
5 Fair Oaks Dr., Springfield, IL 62704
July - August
No meetings for the summer
No January meeting
Saturday, February 4, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Pat Hymans
Chair of the Day: Pat Hildebrand-Culler
Program: Wooden it Be Lovely
Speaker: Rev. Margaret Ann Jessup
March 3, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Ann Collins
Chair of the Day: Nancy Scott
Program: Elizabeth Circle Mission Work
April 3, 2020
Kitchen Chair: Carolyn Beatty
Chair of the Day: Carolyn Beatty
Program: Great Rivers Presbytery
Saturday, May 20 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Garden Party, Birthday Celebration & Offering
Committee: Ruth & Naomi Circle
Location: Home of Lynda Preckwinkle
5 Fair Oaks Dr., Springfield, IL 62704
July - August
No meetings for the summer