2023 Stewardship Campaign: Love in Truth and Action:
Time, Talent, Treasure
Let us love, not in word or speech,
but in truth and action. ~ 1 John 3:18 |
Dear Ones,
Love in Truth and Action: Time, Talent, Treasure is this year’s Stewardship theme based on I John 3:18 - Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. Keeping love at the center of everything we do is essential to maintain our integrity as followers of Christ. Sharing our time, talent, and treasure in support of Christ’s ministry at Westminster expresses our love in truth and action. Our church family is made resilient when we work together. We are grateful for the time and talent shared by so many and want to acknowledge these generous gifts as well as the gifts of “treasure” we invite at this time. We value every gift given in truth and action. Each gift enriches our life together and each gift is an expression of one’s love for Christ. To love in truth and action strengthens us to become a community that enters the baptismal covenant, nourishing our children’s faith that will sustain them wherever life leads. |
To Love in truth and action uplifts us to journey with our youth as they come into their own and to encourage them to serve in the name of the One who loved us first.
To love in truth and action inspires us to embrace the discipline of giving in tangible ways, both in service and a financial commitment to this faith community, so that we may continue to make a difference in our homes, neighborhood, community, and beyond.
As I near the completion of my ninth year as your pastor, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude for the privilege of leading this generous and resilient congregation. Thank you for the time, talent, and treasure shared by so many which enriches our life together and the life Peter and I have made in Springfield.
I join the Stewardship Committee in inviting you to love in truth and action through the time, talent, and treasure you give, to give out of the generosity you have received, and to give because you can!
Grace and Peace,
To love in truth and action inspires us to embrace the discipline of giving in tangible ways, both in service and a financial commitment to this faith community, so that we may continue to make a difference in our homes, neighborhood, community, and beyond.
As I near the completion of my ninth year as your pastor, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude for the privilege of leading this generous and resilient congregation. Thank you for the time, talent, and treasure shared by so many which enriches our life together and the life Peter and I have made in Springfield.
I join the Stewardship Committee in inviting you to love in truth and action through the time, talent, and treasure you give, to give out of the generosity you have received, and to give because you can!
Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Dr. Blythe D. Kieffer
Pastor and Head of Staff
Pastor and Head of Staff
Why are Pledges Important?Pledges are essential to Westminster’s planning process. Each year committees submit their goals and the estimated cost to achieve them. Once members’ 2023 pledges are received, the 2023 budget is finalized.
How Many Households Give?
For 2022, we received 233 pledges for a total of $800,900. Currently, there are 355 member and prospective households contributing financially to support Westminster’s operating budget. The table below shows how many of those households contribute at each of the respective levels.
The 355 member and prospect households that currently provide the financial support are 49% of the 732 total households.
How are Pledge Donations Paid?Members fulfill their pledge in the manner that best meets their circumstances. One may give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually via cash, checks, automatic bank withdrawal, or on online with a debit or credit card. Pledges may also be paid with securities. Should a member’s circumstances change, the pledge can be increased or decreased.
How are Pledges Submitted and
Stewardship Dedication
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Please make your pledge prior to Sunday, October 30, 2022 or
bring your pledge card with you to worship to be dedicated.
Thank you for your joyful and prayerful consideration
in becoming a part of the
2023 Stewardship Campaign.
The Stewardship Committee
Robyn Hovey, Chair, Brownie Anderson, Becky Huston, Jay Kennerly, Kate Morthland,
Julie McDonough, Greg Swanson, Brinton Wilkey, Bob Zerfas
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Please make your pledge prior to Sunday, October 30, 2022 or
bring your pledge card with you to worship to be dedicated.
Thank you for your joyful and prayerful consideration
in becoming a part of the
2023 Stewardship Campaign.
The Stewardship Committee
Robyn Hovey, Chair, Brownie Anderson, Becky Huston, Jay Kennerly, Kate Morthland,
Julie McDonough, Greg Swanson, Brinton Wilkey, Bob Zerfas